Final Report: Strengthening the capacity of MEDD staff to prepare and implement the Ministry's budget using the results-based budgeting methodology

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Finance Solutions

This report follows on from the capacity-building mission for MEDD staff in the preparation and implementation of the Ministry's budget based on the results-based budgeting methodology, conducted by BIOFIN.

The activities enabled MEDD staff to gain a better understanding of the methodological approach and the procedures to be applied in the future. The following were carried out

  • An assessment of the current situation, with site visits and discussions, as well as workshops in which managers at central and decentralized levels took an active part,
  • Identification of capacity-building needs,
  • Development of training modules and materials, taking into account needs and time constraints,
  • Training of key managers.

This report summarises:

1. The general progress of the mission,

2. All the work carried out,

3. Final recommendations for MEDD officials.