Finance Solutions

Removing harmful subsidies in Thailand
Removing harmful subsidies in Thailand
The historic Mrigadayavan Palace is located on the Gulf of Thailand and has long been a cultural and architectural heritage symbol. It was built in 1924 by King Rama VI in Phetchaburi. The palace and the surrounding coastal landscape have withstood the effects of coastal erosion in the past. However...Read more
Photo: UNDP Bhutan / Karma Jamtsho. Around 34 key individuals from various relevant stakeholders came together to attend the capacity building workshop.
Photo: UNDP Bhutan / Karma Jamtsho. Around 34 key individuals from various relevant stakeholders came together to attend the capacity building workshop.
Aiming to bridge the biodiversity financing gap and support sustainable development, the UNDP Biodiversity Finance Initiative (BIOFIN) conducted a one-day capacity-building workshop in Thimphu. The workshop equipped Royal Government of Bhutan (RGoB) officials with innovative financing tools and stra...Read more
Photo: Nyungwe National Park, Rwanda
Photo: Nyungwe National Park, Rwanda
In Rwanda, biodiversity plays a significant role in supporting sustainable development, contributing to thriving communities, ecosystem services, and tourism revenues. Recognizing this, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) works closely with the Government of Rwanda to ensure that biodive...Read more
Photo: UNDP BIOFIN launches 2024 Workbook at the sidelines of COP16
Photo: UNDP BIOFIN launches 2024 Workbook at the sidelines of COP16
On the first day of the UN Biodiversity Conference COP16, the UNDP Biodiversity Finance Initiative (UNDP BIOFIN), in collaboration with the Global Environment Facility and the CBD Secretariat, held a session titled “Unlocking Finance for GBF Implementation in 134 Countries”. The event served as a pl...Read more