Finance Solutions

By Bruno N Mweemba, BIOFIN Zambia Team Leader BIOFIN Zambia and high-level partners have published guidelines and listing rules for green bonds to attract investments in projects that will help protect and even restore biodiversity. Zambia is a country that has faced huge biodiversity loss in recent...Read more
BIOFIN Eurasia Pacific Dialogue – 10, 12, and 17 November 2020 Highlights of the Dialogue [1] Theme 1 : How COVID-19 is changing our world: Can nature be the building block of our COVID-response? The sixth BIOFIN EURASIA Pacific Dialogue kicked off on November 10, 2020 with the introductory theme fo...Read more
By Massimiliano Riva, Investment Advisor, UN Joint SDG Fund (Click Here to access publication) Re-thinking and applying strategies to ‘move mountains’ It is a necessary - but incredibly difficult – task to direct private investments into nature conservation and the preservation of biodiversity. But...Read more