Finance Solutions

BIOFIN organized on 29th of March 2017 a webinar in collaboration with GIZ and OECD on Greening and Reforming Harmful Subsidies you will find in this news all the necessary information as well as the recordings and presentations. Public subsidies, direct or indirect, may produce unintended consequen...Read more
Proponents of biodiversity finance gathered in January to discuss lessons and progress from Latin American and the Caribbean in assessing and implementing better ways to manage and conserve biodiversity. The workshop saw UNDP/BIOFIN teams and Ministries of Finance and Environment officials from Mexi...Read more
As part of its webinar series on finance solutions, BIOFIN organize on 29th of March at 4:00 pm Paris time ( 10:00am NYC time) a webinar on reforming and greening harmful subsidies in collaboration with GIZ and OECD. Public subsidies, direct or indirect, may produce unintended consequences to the en...Read more
Innovative ways to finance biodiversity conservation and management, including developing the sports fishing eco-tourism industry are being planned and tested in Guatemala to safeguard the countries highly diverse species and ecosystems – which play an important role in the lives and economy of Guat...Read more