Sustainable Development

BIOFIN Indonesia will host the Bio-Econ Business Expo on 2-3 March in Jakarta By BIOFIN Indonesia The economic value of nature and biodiversity in Indonesia is extremely high. Indonesian biodiversity brings great benefits to many sectors, such as food/agriculture, medicines, livestock and industrial...Read more
A new video explains how many of the finance solutions recommended through BIOFIN in Viet Nam are practical ways to build on existing structures for better financial management supporting future work on biodiversity. These include partnerships with social organisations and business communities, paym...Read more
Exhibition Economy and Ecosystems
Exhibition Economy and Ecosystems
BIOFIN Mexico, along with the National Commission on Knowledge and Use of Biodiversity ( CONABIO ) and the German Development Agency (GIZ), developed a temporary exhibition called “Echoes of the Earth: Economy and Ecosystems” in the Economy Interactive Museum ( MIDE , for its Spanish acronym). The o...Read more
The government of Indonesia issued its first Islamic ‘green’ sovereign bond known as Green Sukuk in early 2018, listed on the Singapore Stock Exchange and NASDAQ Dubai. It has attracted investment of around US$ 1.25 billion. The green bond and green sukuk framework that was recently developed has se...Read more