Sustainable Development

BIOFIN Mexico and SVX offered the course of Impact Investment: A Finance Solution for Biodiversity
BIOFIN Mexico and SVX offered the course of Impact Investment: A Finance Solution for Biodiversity
BIOFIN Mexico along with SVX (Social Venture Exchange) conducted an introductory course, Impact Investment: A Finance Solution for Biodiversity , which was tailored for Civil Society Organisations that work for biodiversity, conservation and sustainability. Directors and technical staff of CSO’s wer...Read more
Biodiversity day held at Astana EXPO-2017 International Exhibition
Biodiversity day held at Astana EXPO-2017 International Exhibition
Astana, 25 August 2017 – The Biodiversity Day was held at the International Organizations Plaza of the Astana EXPO-2017 International Exhibition today. The event was organized by the UN Development Programme (The UNDP Portfolio on Biodiversity, Ecosystems and Green Economy). Visitors to the Plaza we...Read more
tourism guides Uganda
tourism guides Uganda
By Blerina Gjeka For as long as people lived on earth their survival has been interrelated with the use and management of natural resources, and most notably biodiversity. Forests, grasslands, farms, landscapes and marine ecosystems are not only home and a source of livelihoods to millions of people...Read more