United Republic of Tanzania

3 April 2024, Blantyre, Malawi - Participants of the 10th Africa Regional Dialogue on Biodiversity Finance
3 April 2024, Blantyre, Malawi - Participants of the 10th Africa Regional Dialogue on Biodiversity Finance
3 April 2024 – Blantyre: Planet Earth requires approximately U S$ 950 billion annually for the restoration and protection of its imperiled ecosystems, vital for sustaining livelihoods. Yet, only an average of US $ 121 billion is allocated each year for biodiversity conservation. Closing this financi...Read more
‘Biodiversity Finance Solutions Exhibition - 5th BIOFIN Global Conference’ This poster is part of an series of all BIOFIN countries and showcases the innovative (existing or potential) finance solutions and work of the countries and partners. As part of the 5th Global Conference on Biodiversity Fina...Read more