South Africa

South Africa ranks as the third most biodiverse country in the world. It is recognised for high levels of endemism and is home to over 95,000 known species. The country also boasts a diverse range of biomes, from forests to deserts, estuaries and marine systems. Biodiversity, ecological infrastructure, and associated ecosystem services act as an invaluable foundation for South Africa’s economy. From tourism to fishing, farming and industry, the products and services provided by nature support people’s wellbeing, livelihoods, jobs and security.   

BIOFIN in South Africa is implemented by UNDP Country Office and the national Department of Environmental Affairs, in collaboration with the SANBI, SANParks, National Treasury and Statistics South Africa. The BIOFIN programme in South Africa is currently implementing 8 Finance Solutions

Key Results

  • The first national Biodiversity Finance Plan has been approved by the government, shortlisting 15 finance solutions to be implemented to close the Financing gap at the national level.
  • Unlock private finances for communal land by setting up and launching the first-ever South African Biodiversity Sector Investment Platform.
  • The set up of South Africa’s first-ever wildlife certification scheme which will improve sustainability practices and contribute to target 3 of the Global Biodiversity Framework.
  • Raise awareness of the role of the financial sector by conducting the first assessment on the Nature-related risk disclosure framework in South Africa.
Finance Solutions
Key Documents
Policy and Institutional Review (PIR)

The PIR saw the review of the policy and practice drivers of biodiversity and ecosystem change, and the analysis of the key actors and institutions, and their relationship to biodiversity drivers and biodiversity finance. 

Expenditure Review (BER)

The BER seeks to understand primarily public sector expenditure on biodiversity across South Africa. This included all three spheres of government and considered expenditure both within the environmental sector, as well as expenditure on biodiversity flowing from other sectors, such as agriculture and forestry. Some private sector expenditure was also analyzed, particularly from NGOs and private protected areas. 

Needs Assessment (FNA)

The FNA aimed to provide a cost estimate for implementing the recently revised NBSAP, and attempted to estimate the finance gap for biodiversity in the sector. The FNA indicated that major areas needing finance solutions were ecosystem restoration and protected area expansion and management. 

Finance Plan (BFP)

The BFP presents a suite of finance solutions designed to address the finance gap in a comprehensive and complementary manner. Some 15 finance solutions have been prioritised, clustered around ecosystem restoration, protected area expansion and management, and the sustainable use of biodiversity.