/* Modernizr 2.6.2 (Custom Build) | MIT & BSD
* Build: http://modernizr.com/download/#-cssanimations-csstransitions-touch-shiv-cssclasses-prefixed-teststyles-testprop-testallprops-prefixes-domprefixes-load
window.Modernizr = function (a, b, c) {
function z(a) {
j.cssText = a
function A(a, b) {
return z(m.join(a + ";") + (b || ""))
function B(a, b) {
return typeof a === b
function C(a, b) {
return !!~("" + a).indexOf(b)
function D(a, b) {
for (var d in a) {
var e = a[d];
if (!C(e, "-") && j[e] !== c) return b == "pfx" ? e : !0
return !1
function E(a, b, d) {
for (var e in a) {
var f = b[a[e]];
if (f !== c) return d === !1 ? a[e] : B(f, "function") ? f.bind(d || b) : f
return !1
function F(a, b, c) {
var d = a.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + a.slice(1),
e = (a + " " + o.join(d + " ") + d).split(" ");
return B(b, "string") || B(b, "undefined") ? D(e, b) : (e = (a + " " + p.join(d + " ") + d).split(" "), E(e, b, c))
var d = "2.6.2",
e = {},
f = !0,
g = b.documentElement,
h = "modernizr",
i = b.createElement(h),
j = i.style,
k, l = {}.toString,
m = " -webkit- -moz- -o- -ms- ".split(" "),
n = "Webkit Moz O ms",
o = n.split(" "),
p = n.toLowerCase().split(" "),
q = {},
r = {},
s = {},
t = [],
u = t.slice,
v, w = function (a, c, d, e) {
var f, i, j, k, l = b.createElement("div"),
m = b.body,
n = m || b.createElement("body");
if (parseInt(d, 10))
while (d--) j = b.createElement("div"), j.id = e ? e[d] : h + (d + 1), l.appendChild(j);
return f = ["", '"].join(""), l.id = h, (m ? l : n).innerHTML += f, n.appendChild(l), m || (n.style.background = "", n.style.overflow = "hidden", k = g.style.overflow, g.style.overflow = "hidden", g.appendChild(n)), i = c(l, a), m ? l.parentNode.removeChild(l) : (n.parentNode.removeChild(n), g.style.overflow = k), !!i
x = {}.hasOwnProperty,
!B(x, "undefined") && !B(x.call, "undefined") ? y = function (a, b) {
return x.call(a, b)
} : y = function (a, b) {
return b in a && B(a.constructor.prototype[b], "undefined")
}, Function.prototype.bind || (Function.prototype.bind = function (b) {
var c = this;
if (typeof c != "function") throw new TypeError;
var d = u.call(arguments, 1),
e = function () {
if (this instanceof e) {
var a = function () {};
a.prototype = c.prototype;
var f = new a,
g = c.apply(f, d.concat(u.call(arguments)));
return Object(g) === g ? g : f
return c.apply(b, d.concat(u.call(arguments)))
return e
}), q.touch = function () {
var c;
return "ontouchstart" in a || a.DocumentTouch && b instanceof DocumentTouch ? c = !0 : w(["@media (", m.join("touch-enabled),("), h, ")", "{#modernizr{top:9px;position:absolute}}"].join(""), function (a) {
c = a.offsetTop === 9
}), c
}, q.cssanimations = function () {
return F("animationName")
}, q.csstransitions = function () {
return F("transition")
for (var G in q) y(q, G) && (v = G.toLowerCase(), e[v] = q[G](), t.push((e[v] ? "" : "no-") + v));
return e.addTest = function (a, b) {
if (typeof a == "object")
for (var d in a) y(a, d) && e.addTest(d, a[d]);
else {
a = a.toLowerCase();
if (e[a] !== c) return e;
b = typeof b == "function" ? b() : b, typeof f != "undefined" && f && (g.className += " " + (b ? "" : "no-") + a), e[a] = b
return e
}, z(""), i = k = null,
function (a, b) {
function k(a, b) {
var c = a.createElement("p"),
d = a.getElementsByTagName("head")[0] || a.documentElement;
return c.innerHTML = "x", d.insertBefore(c.lastChild, d.firstChild)
function l() {
var a = r.elements;
return typeof a == "string" ? a.split(" ") : a
function m(a) {
var b = i[a[g]];
return b || (b = {}, h++, a[g] = h, i[h] = b), b
function n(a, c, f) {
c || (c = b);
if (j) return c.createElement(a);
f || (f = m(c));
var g;
return f.cache[a] ? g = f.cache[a].cloneNode() : e.test(a) ? g = (f.cache[a] = f.createElem(a)).cloneNode() : g = f.createElem(a), g.canHaveChildren && !d.test(a) ? f.frag.appendChild(g) : g
function o(a, c) {
a || (a = b);
if (j) return a.createDocumentFragment();
c = c || m(a);
var d = c.frag.cloneNode(),
e = 0,
f = l(),
g = f.length;
for (; e < g; e++) d.createElement(f[e]);
return d
function p(a, b) {
b.cache || (b.cache = {}, b.createElem = a.createElement, b.createFrag = a.createDocumentFragment, b.frag = b.createFrag()), a.createElement = function (c) {
return r.shivMethods ? n(c, a, b) : b.createElem(c)
}, a.createDocumentFragment = Function("h,f", "return function(){var n=f.cloneNode(),c=n.createElement;h.shivMethods&&(" + l().join().replace(/\w+/g, function (a) {
return b.createElem(a), b.frag.createElement(a), 'c("' + a + '")'
}) + ");return n}")(r, b.frag)
function q(a) {
a || (a = b);
var c = m(a);
return r.shivCSS && !f && !c.hasCSS && (c.hasCSS = !!k(a, "article,aside,figcaption,figure,footer,header,hgroup,nav,section{display:pageWrapper}mark{background:#FF0;color:#000}")), j || p(a, c), a
var c = a.html5 || {},
d = /^<|^(?:button|map|select|textarea|object|iframe|option|optgroup)$/i,
e = /^(?:a|b|code|div|fieldset|h1|h2|h3|h4|h5|h6|i|label|li|ol|p|q|span|strong|style|table|tbody|td|th|tr|ul)$/i,
f, g = "_html5shiv",
h = 0,
i = {},
(function () {
try {
var a = b.createElement("a");
a.innerHTML = "", f = "hidden" in a, j = a.childNodes.length == 1 || function () {
var a = b.createDocumentFragment();
return typeof a.cloneNode == "undefined" || typeof a.createDocumentFragment == "undefined" || typeof a.createElement == "undefined"
} catch (c) {
f = !0, j = !0
var r = {
elements: c.elements || "abbr article aside audio bdi canvas data datalist details figcaption figure footer header hgroup mark meter nav output progress section summary time video",
shivCSS: c.shivCSS !== !1,
supportsUnknownElements: j,
shivMethods: c.shivMethods !== !1,
type: "default",
shivDocument: q,
createElement: n,
createDocumentFragment: o
a.html5 = r, q(b)
}(this, b), e._version = d, e._prefixes = m, e._domPrefixes = p, e._cssomPrefixes = o, e.testProp = function (a) {
return D([a])
}, e.testAllProps = F, e.testStyles = w, e.prefixed = function (a, b, c) {
return b ? F(a, b, c) : F(a, "pfx")
}, g.className = g.className.replace(/(^|\s)no-js(\s|$)/, "$1$2") + (f ? " js " + t.join(" ") : ""), e
}(this, this.document),
function (a, b, c) {
function d(a) {
return "[object Function]" == o.call(a)
function e(a) {
return "string" == typeof a
function f() {}
function g(a) {
return !a || "loaded" == a || "complete" == a || "uninitialized" == a
function h() {
var a = p.shift();
q = 1, a ? a.t ? m(function () {
("c" == a.t ? B.injectCss : B.injectJs)(a.s, 0, a.a, a.x, a.e, 1)
}, 0) : (a(), h()) : q = 0
function i(a, c, d, e, f, i, j) {
function k(b) {
if (!o && g(l.readyState) && (u.r = o = 1, !q && h(), l.onload = l.onreadystatechange = null, b)) {
"img" != a && m(function () {
}, 50);
for (var d in y[c]) y[c].hasOwnProperty(d) && y[c][d].onload()
var j = j || B.errorTimeout,
l = b.createElement(a),
o = 0,
r = 0,
u = {
t: d,
s: c,
e: f,
a: i,
x: j
1 === y[c] && (r = 1, y[c] = []), "object" == a ? l.data = c : (l.src = c, l.type = a), l.width = l.height = "0", l.onerror = l.onload = l.onreadystatechange = function () {
k.call(this, r)
}, p.splice(e, 0, u), "img" != a && (r || 2 === y[c] ? (t.insertBefore(l, s ? null : n), m(k, j)) : y[c].push(l))
function j(a, b, c, d, f) {
return q = 0, b = b || "j", e(a) ? i("c" == b ? v : u, a, b, this.i++, c, d, f) : (p.splice(this.i++, 0, a), 1 == p.length && h()), this
function k() {
var a = B;
return a.loader = {
load: j,
i: 0
}, a
var l = b.documentElement,
m = a.setTimeout,
n = b.getElementsByTagName("script")[0],
o = {}.toString,
p = [],
q = 0,
r = "MozAppearance" in l.style,
s = r && !!b.createRange().compareNode,
t = s ? l : n.parentNode,
l = a.opera && "[object Opera]" == o.call(a.opera),
l = !!b.attachEvent && !l,
u = r ? "object" : l ? "script" : "img",
v = l ? "script" : u,
w = Array.isArray || function (a) {
return "[object Array]" == o.call(a)
x = [],
y = {},
z = {
timeout: function (a, b) {
return b.length && (a.timeout = b[0]), a
A, B;
B = function (a) {
function b(a) {
var a = a.split("!"),
b = x.length,
c = a.pop(),
d = a.length,
c = {
url: c,
origUrl: c,
prefixes: a
e, f, g;
for (f = 0; f < d; f++) g = a[f].split("="), (e = z[g.shift()]) && (c = e(c, g));
for (f = 0; f < b; f++) c = x[f](c);
return c
function g(a, e, f, g, h) {
var i = b(a),
j = i.autoCallback;
i.url.split(".").pop().split("?").shift(), i.bypass || (e && (e = d(e) ? e : e[a] || e[g] || e[a.split("/").pop().split("?")[0]]), i.instead ? i.instead(a, e, f, g, h) : (y[i.url] ? i.noexec = !0 : y[i.url] = 1, f.load(i.url, i.forceCSS || !i.forceJS && "css" == i.url.split(".").pop().split("?").shift() ? "c" : c, i.noexec, i.attrs, i.timeout), (d(e) || d(j)) && f.load(function () {
k(), e && e(i.origUrl, h, g), j && j(i.origUrl, h, g), y[i.url] = 2
function h(a, b) {
function c(a, c) {
if (a) {
if (e(a)) c || (j = function () {
var a = [].slice.call(arguments);
k.apply(this, a), l()
}), g(a, j, b, 0, h);
else if (Object(a) === a)
for (n in m = function () {
var b = 0,
for (c in a) a.hasOwnProperty(c) && b++;
return b
}(), a) a.hasOwnProperty(n) && (!c && !--m && (d(j) ? j = function () {
var a = [].slice.call(arguments);
k.apply(this, a), l()
} : j[n] = function (a) {
return function () {
var b = [].slice.call(arguments);
a && a.apply(this, b), l()
}(k[n])), g(a[n], j, b, n, h))
} else !c && l()
var h = !!a.test,
i = a.load || a.both,
j = a.callback || f,
k = j,
l = a.complete || f,
m, n;
c(h ? a.yep : a.nope, !!i), i && c(i)
var i, j, l = this.yepnope.loader;
if (e(a)) g(a, 0, l, 0);
else if (w(a))
for (i = 0; i < a.length; i++) j = a[i], e(j) ? g(j, 0, l, 0) : w(j) ? B(j) : Object(j) === j && h(j, l);
else Object(a) === a && h(a, l)
}, B.addPrefix = function (a, b) {
z[a] = b
}, B.addFilter = function (a) {
}, B.errorTimeout = 1e4, null == b.readyState && b.addEventListener && (b.readyState = "loading", b.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", A = function () {
b.removeEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", A, 0), b.readyState = "complete"
}, 0)), a.yepnope = k(), a.yepnope.executeStack = h, a.yepnope.injectJs = function (a, c, d, e, i, j) {
var k = b.createElement("script"),
l, o, e = e || B.errorTimeout;
k.src = a;
for (o in d) k.setAttribute(o, d[o]);
c = j ? h : c || f, k.onreadystatechange = k.onload = function () {
!l && g(k.readyState) && (l = 1, c(), k.onload = k.onreadystatechange = null)
}, m(function () {
l || (l = 1, c(1))
}, e), i ? k.onload() : n.parentNode.insertBefore(k, n)
}, a.yepnope.injectCss = function (a, c, d, e, g, i) {
var e = b.createElement("link"),
j, c = i ? h : c || f;
e.href = a, e.rel = "stylesheet", e.type = "text/css";
for (j in d) e.setAttribute(j, d[j]);
g || (n.parentNode.insertBefore(e, n), m(c, 0))
}(this, document), Modernizr.load = function () {
yepnope.apply(window, [].slice.call(arguments, 0))
var PageTransitions = (function () {
var startPageIndex = 0,
animEndEventNames = {
'WebkitAnimation': 'webkitAnimationEnd',
'OAnimation': 'oAnimationEnd',
'msAnimation': 'MSAnimationEnd',
'animation': 'animationend'
// animation end event name
animEndEventName = animEndEventNames[Modernizr.prefixed('animation')],
// support css animations
support = Modernizr.cssanimations;
function init() {
// Get all the .pt-page div.
$('.pt-page').each(function () {
var $page = $(this);
$page.data('originalClassList', $page.attr('class'));
// Get all the .pt-wrapper div which is the parent for all pt-div
$('.pt-wrapper').each(function () {
var $wrapperDiv = $(this);
$wrapperDiv.data('current', 0);
$wrapperDiv.data('isAnimating', false);
// Adding click event to .pt-trigger
$('.pt-trigger').click(function () {
$pageTrigger = $(this);
// All pt-trigger click event calls this function
// This function gets the animation id, goto page that we define in `data-animation` and 'data-goto' repectively.
function Animate($pageTrigger) {
// Checking for 'data-animation' and 'data-goto' attributes.
if (!($pageTrigger.attr('data-animation'))) {
alert("Transition.js : Invalid attribute configuration. \n\n 'data-animation' attribute not found");
return false;
} else if (!($pageTrigger.attr('data-goto'))) {
alert("Transition.js : Invalid attribute configuration. \n\n 'data-goto' attribute not found");
return false;
var animation = $pageTrigger.data('animation').toString(),
gotoPage, inClass, outClass, selectedAnimNumber;
// Check if the delimiter '-' is present then create an animation array list.
if (animation.indexOf('-') != -1) {
var randomAnimList = animation.split('-');
selectedAnimNumber = parseInt(randomAnimList[(Math.floor(Math.random() * randomAnimList.length))]);
} else {
selectedAnimNumber = parseInt(animation);
// Checking if the animation number is out of bound, max allowed value is 1 to 67.
if (selectedAnimNumber > 67) {
alert("Transition.js : Invalid 'data-animation' attribute configuration. Animation number should not be greater than 67");
return false;
switch (selectedAnimNumber) {
case 1:
inClass = 'pt-page-moveFromRight';
outClass = 'pt-page-moveToLeft';
case 2:
inClass = 'pt-page-moveFromLeft';
outClass = 'pt-page-moveToRight';
case 3:
inClass = 'pt-page-moveFromBottom';
outClass = 'pt-page-moveToTop';
case 4:
inClass = 'pt-page-moveFromTop';
outClass = 'pt-page-moveToBottom';
case 5:
inClass = 'pt-page-moveFromRight pt-page-ontop';
outClass = 'pt-page-fade';
case 6:
inClass = 'pt-page-moveFromLeft pt-page-ontop';
outClass = 'pt-page-fade';
case 7:
inClass = 'pt-page-moveFromBottom pt-page-ontop';
outClass = 'pt-page-fade';
case 8:
inClass = 'pt-page-moveFromTop pt-page-ontop';
outClass = 'pt-page-fade';
case 9:
inClass = 'pt-page-moveFromRightFade';
outClass = 'pt-page-moveToLeftFade';
case 10:
inClass = 'pt-page-moveFromLeftFade';
outClass = 'pt-page-moveToRightFade';
case 11:
inClass = 'pt-page-moveFromBottomFade';
outClass = 'pt-page-moveToTopFade';
case 12:
inClass = 'pt-page-moveFromTopFade';
outClass = 'pt-page-moveToBottomFade';
case 13:
inClass = 'pt-page-moveFromRight';
outClass = 'pt-page-moveToLeftEasing pt-page-ontop';
case 14:
inClass = 'pt-page-moveFromLeft';
outClass = 'pt-page-moveToRightEasing pt-page-ontop';
case 15:
inClass = 'pt-page-moveFromBottom';
outClass = 'pt-page-moveToTopEasing pt-page-ontop';
case 16:
inClass = 'pt-page-moveFromTop';
outClass = 'pt-page-moveToBottomEasing pt-page-ontop';
case 17:
inClass = 'pt-page-moveFromRight pt-page-ontop';
outClass = 'pt-page-scaleDown';
case 18:
inClass = 'pt-page-moveFromLeft pt-page-ontop';
outClass = 'pt-page-scaleDown';
case 19:
inClass = 'pt-page-moveFromBottom pt-page-ontop';
outClass = 'pt-page-scaleDown';
case 20:
inClass = 'pt-page-moveFromTop pt-page-ontop';
outClass = 'pt-page-scaleDown';
case 21:
inClass = 'pt-page-scaleUpDown pt-page-delay300';
outClass = 'pt-page-scaleDown';
case 22:
inClass = 'pt-page-scaleUp pt-page-delay300';
outClass = 'pt-page-scaleDownUp';
case 23:
inClass = 'pt-page-scaleUp';
outClass = 'pt-page-moveToLeft pt-page-ontop';
case 24:
inClass = 'pt-page-scaleUp';
outClass = 'pt-page-moveToRight pt-page-ontop';
case 25:
inClass = 'pt-page-scaleUp';
outClass = 'pt-page-moveToTop pt-page-ontop';
case 26:
inClass = 'pt-page-scaleUp';
outClass = 'pt-page-moveToBottom pt-page-ontop';
case 27:
inClass = 'pt-page-scaleUpCenter pt-page-delay400';
outClass = 'pt-page-scaleDownCenter';
case 28:
inClass = 'pt-page-moveFromRight pt-page-delay200 pt-page-ontop';
outClass = 'pt-page-rotateRightSideFirst';
case 29:
inClass = 'pt-page-moveFromLeft pt-page-delay200 pt-page-ontop';
outClass = 'pt-page-rotateLeftSideFirst';
case 30:
inClass = 'pt-page-moveFromTop pt-page-delay200 pt-page-ontop';
outClass = 'pt-page-rotateTopSideFirst';
case 31:
inClass = 'pt-page-moveFromBottom pt-page-delay200 pt-page-ontop';
outClass = 'pt-page-rotateBottomSideFirst';
case 32:
inClass = 'pt-page-flipInLeft pt-page-delay500';
outClass = 'pt-page-flipOutRight';
case 33:
inClass = 'pt-page-flipInRight pt-page-delay500';
outClass = 'pt-page-flipOutLeft';
case 34:
inClass = 'pt-page-flipInBottom pt-page-delay500';
outClass = 'pt-page-flipOutTop';
case 35:
inClass = 'pt-page-flipInTop pt-page-delay500';
outClass = 'pt-page-flipOutBottom';
case 36:
inClass = 'pt-page-scaleUp';
outClass = 'pt-page-rotateFall pt-page-ontop';
case 37:
inClass = 'pt-page-rotateInNewspaper pt-page-delay500';
outClass = 'pt-page-rotateOutNewspaper';
case 38:
inClass = 'pt-page-moveFromRight';
outClass = 'pt-page-rotatePushLeft';
case 39:
inClass = 'pt-page-moveFromLeft';
outClass = 'pt-page-rotatePushRight';
case 40:
inClass = 'pt-page-moveFromBottom';
outClass = 'pt-page-rotatePushTop';
case 41:
inClass = 'pt-page-moveFromTop';
outClass = 'pt-page-rotatePushBottom';
case 42:
inClass = 'pt-page-rotatePullRight pt-page-delay180';
outClass = 'pt-page-rotatePushLeft';
case 43:
inClass = 'pt-page-rotatePullLeft pt-page-delay180';
outClass = 'pt-page-rotatePushRight';
case 44:
inClass = 'pt-page-rotatePullBottom pt-page-delay180';
outClass = 'pt-page-rotatePushTop';
case 45:
inClass = 'pt-page-rotatePullTop pt-page-delay180';
outClass = 'pt-page-rotatePushBottom';
case 46:
inClass = 'pt-page-moveFromRightFade';
outClass = 'pt-page-rotateFoldLeft';
case 47:
inClass = 'pt-page-moveFromLeftFade';
outClass = 'pt-page-rotateFoldRight';
case 48:
inClass = 'pt-page-moveFromBottomFade';
outClass = 'pt-page-rotateFoldTop';
case 49:
inClass = 'pt-page-moveFromTopFade';
outClass = 'pt-page-rotateFoldBottom';
case 50:
inClass = 'pt-page-rotateUnfoldLeft';
outClass = 'pt-page-moveToRightFade';
case 51:
inClass = 'pt-page-rotateUnfoldRight';
outClass = 'pt-page-moveToLeftFade';
case 52:
inClass = 'pt-page-rotateUnfoldTop';
outClass = 'pt-page-moveToBottomFade';
case 53:
inClass = 'pt-page-rotateUnfoldBottom';
outClass = 'pt-page-moveToTopFade';
case 54:
inClass = 'pt-page-rotateRoomLeftIn';
outClass = 'pt-page-rotateRoomLeftOut pt-page-ontop';
case 55:
inClass = 'pt-page-rotateRoomRightIn';
outClass = 'pt-page-rotateRoomRightOut pt-page-ontop';
case 56:
inClass = 'pt-page-rotateRoomTopIn';
outClass = 'pt-page-rotateRoomTopOut pt-page-ontop';
case 57:
inClass = 'pt-page-rotateRoomBottomIn';
outClass = 'pt-page-rotateRoomBottomOut pt-page-ontop';
case 58:
inClass = 'pt-page-rotateCubeLeftIn';
outClass = 'pt-page-rotateCubeLeftOut pt-page-ontop';
case 59:
inClass = 'pt-page-rotateCubeRightIn';
outClass = 'pt-page-rotateCubeRightOut pt-page-ontop';
case 60:
inClass = 'pt-page-rotateCubeTopIn';
outClass = 'pt-page-rotateCubeTopOut pt-page-ontop';
case 61:
inClass = 'pt-page-rotateCubeBottomIn';
outClass = 'pt-page-rotateCubeBottomOut pt-page-ontop';
case 62:
inClass = 'pt-page-rotateCarouselLeftIn';
outClass = 'pt-page-rotateCarouselLeftOut pt-page-ontop';
case 63:
inClass = 'pt-page-rotateCarouselRightIn';
outClass = 'pt-page-rotateCarouselRightOut pt-page-ontop';
case 64:
inClass = 'pt-page-rotateCarouselTopIn';
outClass = 'pt-page-rotateCarouselTopOut pt-page-ontop';
case 65:
inClass = 'pt-page-rotateCarouselBottomIn';
outClass = 'pt-page-rotateCarouselBottomOut pt-page-ontop';
case 66:
inClass = 'pt-page-rotateSidesIn pt-page-delay200';
outClass = 'pt-page-rotateSidesOut';
case 67:
inClass = 'pt-page-rotateSlideIn';
outClass = 'pt-page-rotateSlideOut';
// This will get the pt-trigger elements parent wrapper div
var $pageWrapper = $pageTrigger.closest('.pt-wrapper');
var currentPageIndex = $pageWrapper.data('current'),
$pages = $pageWrapper.children('div.pt-page'),
pagesCount = $pages.length,
endCurrentPage = false,
endNextPage = false;
gotoPage = parseInt($pageTrigger.data('goto'));
// check if 'data-goto' value is greater than total pages inside 'pt-wrapper'
if (!(pagesCount < gotoPage)) {
tempPageIndex = currentPageIndex;
if ($pageWrapper.data('isAnimating')) {
return false;
// Setting the isAnimating property to true.
$pageWrapper.data('isAnimating', true);
// Current page to be removed.
var $currentPage = $pages.eq(currentPageIndex);
// Checking gotoPage value and decide what to do
// -1 Go to next page
// -2 Go to previous page
// 0+ Go to custom page number.
if (gotoPage == -1) {
// Incrementing page counter to diplay next page
if (currentPageIndex < pagesCount - 1) {
} else {
currentPageIndex = 0;
else if (gotoPage == -2) {
if (currentPageIndex == 0) {
currentPageIndex = pagesCount - 1;
} else if (currentPageIndex <= pagesCount - 1) {
} else {
currentPageIndex = 0;
else {
currentPageIndex = gotoPage - 1;
// Check if the current page is same as the next page then do not do the animation
// else reset the 'isAnimatiing' flag
if (tempPageIndex != currentPageIndex) {
$pageWrapper.data('current', currentPageIndex);
// Next page to be animated.
var $nextPage = $pages.eq(currentPageIndex).addClass('pt-page-current');
$currentPage.addClass(outClass).on(animEndEventName, function () {
endCurrentPage = true;
if (endNextPage) {
onEndAnimation($pageWrapper, $nextPage, $currentPage, $pageTrigger);
$nextPage.addClass(inClass).on(animEndEventName, function () {
endNextPage = true;
if (endCurrentPage) {
onEndAnimation($pageWrapper, $nextPage, $currentPage, $pageTrigger);
} else {
$pageWrapper.data('isAnimating', false);
} else {
alert("Transition.js : Invalid 'data-goto' attribute configuration.");
// Check if the animation is supported by browser and reset the pages.
if (!support) {
onEndAnimation($currentPage, $nextPage, $pageTrigger);
function onEndAnimation($pageWrapper, $nextPage, $currentPage, $pageTrigger) {
resetPage($nextPage, $currentPage);
$pageWrapper.data('isAnimating', false);
function resetPage($nextPage, $currentPage) {
$currentPage.attr('class', $currentPage.data('originalClassList'));
$nextPage.attr('class', $nextPage.data('originalClassList') + ' pt-page-current');
function pageOverflows($pageTrigger) {
var gotoPage = parseInt($pageTrigger.data('goto'));
if (gotoPage == 1) {
} else {
function pageNavColors($pageTrigger) {
var style = $pageTrigger.attr('data-style');
var styleNav = $pageTrigger.attr('data-style2');
return {
init: init,