Countries from across the continent to exchange learning and experiences in Colombia 5 th BIOFIN Regional Dialogue for Latin America and the Caribbean, 10-14 June 2019 Latin America is leading the way in more sustainable and greener economies through a growing movement for investment in nature and n...Read more
El Ministerio de Finanzas y Precios aprueba, por primera vez en Cuba, un Estándar Específico para la Contabilidad Ambiental Un desafío importante para el financiamiento de la biodiversidad en Cuba es la falta de contabilidad nacional para los gastos e ingresos ambientales, incluida la biodiversidad....Read more
By BIOFIN Cuba From September 26 to 28, 2018, the Workshop of the Sixth National Report to the Convention on Biological Diversity was held in Havana, Cuba. It offered a wide space for debate about the progress and fulfillment of the goals and actions foreseen in the National Plan for Biological Dive...Read more
Definida nueva área de pilotaje para la fase de implementación de BIOFIN en Cuba El pasado 26 de junio se desarrolló un importante encuentro del Grupo Coordinador de BIOFIN/Cuba en el Ministerio de la Agricultura. Fueron realizadas presentaciones acerca de las metodologías existentes en el país para...Read more
Nature-based finance solutions are emerging across the Latin American region in raising finance critical to conserving and better managing biodiversity. Adriana Dinu, Executive Coordinator UNDP/GEF, joined by experts and officials from Cuba, Ecuador, Chile, Peru, Brazil, Costa Rica, Mexico, Guatemal...Read more