
BIOFIN will participate at the CBD COP 13 and hold three side events. Several countries and the Global BIOFIN team will highlight the lessons learnt from applying and adapting the BIOFIN methodology during a side event on 5th of December 2016. In addition, the BIOFIN Mexico and Belize national teams...Read more
BIOFIN will participate to the CBD COP 13 and will hold two different side events. Several countries and the Global BIOFIN team will highlight the lessons learned of applying and adapting the BIOFIN methodology during a side event on 5th of December. In addition, the BIOFIN Mexico national team will...Read more
2 global workshop
2 global workshop
BIOFIN is a global partnership addressing the biodiversity finance challenge in a comprehensive manner. The Initiative provides an innovative methodology enabling countries to measure their current biodiversity expenditures, assess their financial needs in the medium term and identify the most suita...Read more