The Ikh-Uul region, a sub-province of Zavkhan in Mongolia, is located within the Khangai mountain range. This area includes the Tarvagatai Mountains National Park, known for its forest-steppe ecosystem and extreme continental, semi-arid climate. The forest reserve, dominated by larch and Siberian pi...Read more
The UNDP Biodiversity Finance Initiative (BIOFIN) has supported Mongolia in improving the effectiveness of a law on natural resource user fees. This led to an increase in the budget for environmental protection including biodiversity conservation. In 2023, revenues from the Natural Resource Use Paym...Read more
‘Biodiversity Finance Solutions Exhibition - 5th BIOFIN Global Conference’ This poster is part of an series of all BIOFIN countries and showcases the innovative (existing or potential) finance solutions and work of the countries and partners. As part of the 5th Global Conference on Biodiversity Fina...Read more
Representatives from across Europe, Asia and Pacific are encouraging increased investment in nature from both the public and private sectors, with emerging data revealing that significant finance gaps remain for countries to achieve their biodiversity targets. As the host country for the 5 th Biodiv...Read more
Countries from across Europe, Asia and Pacific exchange learning and experiences in Thailand 5 th BIOFIN Regional Dialogue for Europe, Asia and Pacific 24-26 th September Spanning from Georgia in the West to Fiji in the Pacific, the Biodiversity Finance Initiative’s (BIOFIN) diverse presence across...Read more