Biodiversity Finance

By Desy Satya Chandradewi, Policy Analyst at Directorate Biodiversity Conservation, Species and Genetic, Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Republic of Indonesia The illegal trade of wildlife – both plants and animals – is estimated to globally generate US$ 7 billion to US$ 23 billion per year fo...Read more
By Alibek Tokymbayev, Director of the Tarbagatai National Park, Kazakhstan Kazakhstan has immense natural beauty and it has been a great honour working in a sector that contributes to its protection. I have been working in forestry for more than 35 years and have managed the Targabatai State Nationa...Read more
(C) Eelco Böhtlingk
(C) Eelco Böhtlingk
By José Alberto Ortiz, Community Leader of Salitre de Buenos Aires in Puntarenas, Costa Rica My name is José Alberto Ortiz and I belong to the indigenous community of Salitre de Buenos Aires in Puntarenas on Costa Rica’s Pacific coast. We have mountains, waterfalls and a unique culture, language and...Read more
By Mafela Simon, Secretary of Tshivhula Communal Property Association, South Africa We, the Tshivula people, are the direct descendants of the great Mapungubwe kingdom, founded more than 1,000 years ago. My ancestors hunted these lands, gathered the mopani worms, and picked wild berries. Nature, or...Read more