By Onno van den Heuvel Finance Leaders gathered recently in Egypt to debate the past, present and future of financing conservation during a parallel event of the High Level Segment of the CBD COP 14. The event brought together a diverse range of leaders in the lead up to the COP negotiations which a...Read more
Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)
The Prespa Ohrid ecoregion, covering parts of Albania, Greece and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and including six protected areas, is not only rich in stunning nature, but also benefits from one of the world’s most innovative conservation financing approaches. The United Nations Developm...Read more
By Midori Paxton The planet is in crisis. The World Wildlife Fund has just released its 2018 Living Planet Report . Humans have wiped out 60 percent of animals between 1970 and 2014. The figures contained in the report are just a few symptoms of the dire state the planet is in. The 2030 Agenda is ev...Read more
Biodiversity finance is a key issue at the upcoming UN Biodiversity Conference in Sharm, El Sheikh, Egypt from 14-29 November. Governments and organisations will work to step up efforts to halt the biodiversity loss and protect the ecosystems that support food and water security and health for billi...Read more
By BIOFIN Cuba From September 26 to 28, 2018, the Workshop of the Sixth National Report to the Convention on Biological Diversity was held in Havana, Cuba. It offered a wide space for debate about the progress and fulfillment of the goals and actions foreseen in the National Plan for Biological Dive...Read more