Green Economy

At the High-Level Plenary of the UN Biodiversity Conference, Achim Steiner, UNDP Administrator, highlighted the important role BIOFIN plays in protecting and restoring nature. “We are now pioneering new ways to channel game-changing levels of finance towards nature and the Global Goals. At UNDP, our...Read more
Zebras in Malawi by Ray Aucott
Zebras in Malawi by Ray Aucott
The Government of Malawi has made a huge stride in its efforts towards a nature-positive future by agreeing and approving the institutionalization of biodiversity expenditure coding in the public accounting system, effective from the 2022/23 financial year, which will increase the allocation of reso...Read more
Nature conservation can be a challenge, especially for local governments. Protected areas can reap tremendous benefits for a country, and indeed the planet. But often local governments must deal with a double bind of having to shoulder the costs of conserving the land and water as well as the costs...Read more