Green Economy

In the framework of Mexico’s finance solution “Greening the finance sector”, Banxico (Mexico’s Central Bank) presented a webinar called “The role of the central bank for a sustainable development” with the Deputy Governor, Irene Espinosa as keynote speaker. The finance solution “Greening the finance...Read more
(c) Yannes Kiefer on Unsplash
(c) Yannes Kiefer on Unsplash
For the first time ever, representatives from the entire Cuban banking system came together to discuss Green Banking. With the support of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment, and BIOFIN Cuba, representatives meet in Havana to discuss how to catalyze green banking in Cuba to explore t...Read more
By Bruno N Mweemba, BIOFIN Zambia Team Leader BIOFIN Zambia and high-level partners have published guidelines and listing rules for green bonds to attract investments in projects that will help protect and even restore biodiversity. Zambia is a country that has faced huge biodiversity loss in recent...Read more