Hon Yen Island is a popular tourist destination in Vietnam, known for its majestic landscapes and vibrant coral reefs that serve as a haven for marine species. Protecting these coral reefs is essential, as they form the foundation of the island’s biodiversity and support the livelihoods of the local...Read more
News and Media October 2024
Zambia, like many developing nations, faces a significant financing gap in addressing urgent biodiversity and environmental challenges. As the country grapples with deteriorating natural resources, finding innovative financing solutions has become essential to achieving the goals outlined in its Nat...Read more
Bhutan’s pristine rivers, renowned for offering some of the world's best white-water rafting experiences, are now at the heart of a new initiative aimed at enhancing both ecotourism and conservation. Through the UNDP’s Biodiversity Finance Initiative (BIOFIN), eight internationally certified river r...Read more
¿Gestionas un área natural en México y quieres potenciar su manejo, conservación y acción climática? Esta es tu oportunidad. La Convocatoria Nacional “Reservar para Conservar 2.0” te ofrece la posibilidad de transformar la forma en que gestionas tu área natural, mejorando la experiencia de los visit...Read more
Ecuador is one of the most biodiverse countries in the world, home to an array of species of mammals and birds that are found nowhere else on the planet. The country also faces significant socio-economic challenges, with more than a quarter of its population living in poverty and 10.7% in extreme po...Read more