BIOFIN News and Media

South Africa increases permits and licences fees linked to the threatened or protected species for the first time in 14 years

With the support of BIOFIN, the Government of South Africa has officialised, on the 12th of October, the increase of fees to access, possess and benefit from any threatened or...Read more

9th Regional Dialogue on Biodiversity Finance in Sri Lanka features new opportunities to narrow the financing gap for nature conservation

A sustainable wonder to the world, Sigiriya is one of the most valuable historical monuments in Sri Lanka and deserving of its inscription as a UNESCO World Heritage site since...Read more

Biodiversity Mainstreamed in Zambia’s newly Gazzeted Green Loan Guidelines by the Bank of Zambia

In a significant stride towards fostering green finance, BIOFIN Zambia is proud to announce its recent accomplishment in mainstreaming biodiversity in Zambia's financial sector. Working closely with the Green Finance...Read more

Zambia's Central Bank secures funding from the NDC Partnership with support from UNDP Zambia Country Office and BIOFIN Zambia

Earlier in 2023, the Bank of Zambia (BOZ), with technical assistance from Biodiversity Finance Initiative (BIOFIN) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Zambia Country Office undertook proactive measures to...Read more

The guidelines for biodiversity-friendly forest management will help close the biodiversity financing gap in Nepal

To promote sustainable forest management, the "Biodiversity Friendly Community Forestry Operational Plan Preparation Guidelines" were validated by stakeholders in Sudurpaschim Province, Nepal. This initiative aims to close the significant funding...Read more