The fact that Colombia is the country with the highest biodiversity per square kilometer and has around 14% of the world's biodiversity, implies a very important challenge in terms of mobilizing resources for the conservation of biodiversity and its ecosystem services, as well as to make these an engine for developing sustainably. This is an important task from all levels of decisions, from national government until local government.
In this oportunity, BIOFIN Colombia shows resultas from the biodiversity expenditure review at local level, for territorial entities.
During 2012-2021, territorial entities (departments, municipalities and the capital district) have contributed close to 34% of public spending on biodiversity.
During this same period, the territorial entities with the greatest investment in biodiversity are located in Antioquia, Bogotá D.C., Bolívar, Atlántico and Cundinamarca; while the entities with less investment are located in Guainía, Vaupés and Vichada.
The actions of the territorial entities in the management of biodiversity have been concentrated in projects of "Conservation, protection, restoration and use of natural resources and the environment" and the "Acquisition of land for water reserves and natural reserve areas".