BIOFIN Mexico identified around 40 potential finance solutions for biodiversity, based on the results of the public policy and expenditure reviews, as well as the financial needs assessment. Of theses 40 solutions, the BIOFIN Mexico team assessed that only 16 were potentially feasible. Therefore, BI...Read more
News and Media février 2018
BIOFIN Mexico's National Coordinator, Mariana Bellot, participated as a speaker in the 'Introduction to Resilience Development' MOOC. Specifically, she presented the seminar "Biodiversity Finance and the Resilience Thinking". Resilient thinking provides a comprehensive framework through which it is...Read more
Scroll down for English. El Taller Nacional de Resultados de Valoración Económica de Bienes y Servicios Ecosistémicos (BSE) y Daños Ambientales, coordinado por la Dirección de Medio Ambiente del Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología y Medio Ambiente (CITMA), tuvo lugar a finales de noviembre del 2017 en...Read more