News and Media janvier 2025

Ciudad de México, a 24 de enero de 2025 .- En el marco de la Cumbre de clima, biodiversidad y transición justa de gobiernos subnacionales, la Iniciativa Finanzas para la Biodiversidad ( BIOFIN ) del Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo (PNUD) en México, presentó a las personas represen...Read more
RBB validation workshop organized in Bangkok, Thailand by UNDP BIOFIN and partners.
RBB validation workshop organized in Bangkok, Thailand by UNDP BIOFIN and partners.
Bhutan, renowned for its commitment to Gross National Happiness (GNH), has significantly strengthened its environmental and biodiversity conservation efforts. A recent learning exchange with UNDP BIOFIN in Thailand focused on implementing Result-Based Budgeting (RBB) for Local Administrative Organiz...Read more
Removing harmful subsidies in Thailand
Removing harmful subsidies in Thailand
The historic Mrigadayavan Palace is located on the Gulf of Thailand and has long been a cultural and architectural heritage symbol. It was built in 1924 by King Rama VI in Phetchaburi. The palace and the surrounding coastal landscape have withstood the effects of coastal erosion in the past. However...Read more