More than 50% of the global economy relies on biodiversity, and about USD 44 trillion, is moderately or highly dependent on nature and its services. The Global Futures Initiative estimates that a business-as-usual scenario will see biodiversity loss cause financial losses of USD 10 trillion between 2011 and 2050. Over the last three to five years there has been a rapidly emerging narrative around the materiality of nature-related risks and impacts globally. There is a realization amongst key actors that the private sector has a key role to play in biodiversity conservation and how nature poses double materiality which will ultimately affect the private sector bottom lines. For the financial community, nature finance is about both crystallizing and taking account of nature related financial risks and valuing the place of natural capital and ecosystem services in investment.
- Profile the current pre-investment and seed funding ready biodiversity investment opportunities in South Africa and other BIOFIN countries
- Sharing of emerging BIOFIN finance solutions such as disclosure frameworks, repurposing harmful subsidies, insurance, and risk management
- Facilitate experience sharing and technical discussions around using private sector finance to bridge the biodiversity funding gap.
- Improved BIOFIN countries' network