
tourism guides Uganda
tourism guides Uganda
By Blerina Gjeka For as long as people lived on earth their survival has been interrelated with the use and management of natural resources, and most notably biodiversity. Forests, grasslands, farms, landscapes and marine ecosystems are not only home and a source of livelihoods to millions of people...Read more
For more details please contact: James Maiden, BIOFIN Global Communications Specialist. 13-16 June, 2017, Entebbe - Representatives of governments, the United Nations, and technical experts from seven countries across Africa gathered this week to share knowledge and discuss new financial solutions t...Read more
tigers in India
tigers in India
By Midori Paxton Celebrating the International Day for Biological Diversity today serves as a strong reminder of the value of nature and ecosystems to human life and the well-being of our societies. We all depend on the complex and intricate web of life for our own living, but as some policy makers...Read more
2 global workshop
2 global workshop
BIOFIN is a global partnership addressing the biodiversity finance challenge in a comprehensive manner. The Initiative provides an innovative methodology enabling countries to measure their current biodiversity expenditures, assess their financial needs in the medium term and identify the most suita...Read more