Sustainable Development

Tanzania has officially kick-started the implementation of the Biodiversity Finance Initiative (BIOFIN) through a pre inception workshop held in Zanzibar from 10 th to 12 th September 2019. In response to the urgent global need to divert more finance towards global and national biodiversity goals, t...Read more
Quito – Officials from the Quito Stock Exchange, the Ministry of Environment and the Internal Revenue System met in late July to strengthen the technical capacities of these institutions to link financial products such as green bonds with tax incentives. This alliance seeks to protect and conserve t...Read more
In Chile, as BIOFIN comes to a close, it has been highly recognised by a range of stakeholders in environmental and conservation work at the national level. There have been many achievements such as supporting the planning and costing of the National Biodiversity Strategy (ENB) 2017-2030; financial...Read more