Highlights from the 3rd global BIOFIN conference (6-8 March 2018) By Onno van den Heuvel, James Maiden & Tim Scott Investing in nature-based solutions can produce multiple social, environmental, and economic benefits and accelerate progress on the Aichi conservation targets and Sustainable Developme...Read more
Watch here for action from the 3rd Global Conference for Biodiversity Finance in Chennai, India, March 6-8, 2018Read more
Chennai, India — BIOFIN member countries, government representatives, private sector, experts and academics from more than 35 countries gathered today to debate and mobilise more finance for the conservation of biodiversity and natural resources around the world. Well financed, sustainable biodivers...Read more
Watch a short animated video explaining what the Biodiversity Finance Initiative (BIOFIN) is and how it works.Read more
By James Maiden Taking and integrated approach to how countries financially manage initiatives that preserve biodiversity and mitigate and adapt to climate change is crucial, experts say at the side event held by BIOFIN at the COP 23 in Bonn last week. Raising finance and better managing existing fi...Read more