The five technical implementation steps for the BER may be adapted based on need.
Define the scope of the analysis, identify key stakeholders (including the “client” for the BER), develop a stakeholder consultation plan, identify key data sources, and develop a data management system.
Define the main parameters
4.2A. Clarify the definition of “biodiversity expenditures”
4.2B. Establish a classification system to map biodiversity budget expenditures.
4.2C. Establish a system for the attribution of primary and secondary expenditures.
4.2D. Tag expenditures to biodiversity categories, national biodiversity and sustainable development targets to allow cross-country and time series comparison.
Data collection
Identify and collect data from public, private, and civil society organizations and other data sources.
Data analysis
Analyse macroeconomic issues and their relationship to biodiversity expenditures, and review spending patterns of main organizations and sectors involved in biodiversity finance.
Puts biodiversity expenditures in the national context, including comparisons with revenue generated from biodiversity and ecosystem services.
Determines how effectively budgets are converted into expenditures
Projecting future expenditures
Analyse likely major future trends in biodiversity expenditures for each priority organization, taking into consideration key assumptions (such as predicted inflation, GDP growth, etc.) that could affect future expenditures
The chapter concludes with guidance on reporting to targeted stakeholders/decision makers.