The Suggested PIR Report Outline:
1. Executive Summary – including key findings and recommendations for policymakers
2. Introduction
Overview of BIOFIN
Background information on the Policy and Institutional Review, including abbreviated information on the context
The objectives of the PIR
Institutional arrangements and contributors to the report
The methods used to collect data and the structure of the report
3. Biodiversity Vision, Strategies
Summary of national visions and strategies for biodiversity
National development plans, green growth plans, etc. and the contribution of biodiversity and ecosystem services towards sustainable development in a country
Citations of existing economic, fiscal policy, and other studies, and information on how nature contributes to current GDP (and green GDP when available)
Summary of the availability of economic valuation evidence for the country, subdivided by sectors, ecosystems and households/communities/businesses whose value are affected.
Sectoral dependencies on, impacts on, risks to, and opportunities for, biodiversity
4. Trends, Drivers and Sectoral Linkages
Biodiversity-positive and negative trends in the country
Describe the drivers of change in biodiversity, including, institutions, policies and markets
5. The Biodiversity Finance Landscape
Overview of the national and state budget process and major government subsidies that impact biodiversity
Identification of biodiversity-based revenues
Summary of biodiversity finance solutions identified in the country
6. Institutional Analysis
Institutional arrangements between and among the institutions responsible for biodiversity-related finance
Biodiversity finance-related capacities and needs per priority organization
Stakeholder engagement plan
7. Summary of Key Recommendations
Overall conclusions and recommendations
Legal and policy recommendations
Changes in sectoral policies and practices that would help reduce biodiversity loss, and/or improve biodiversity finance
Institutional/organizational and capacity development recommendations
Observations on the potential of existing finance solutions
Opportunities for improvements in the budgeting and planning process
Key national entry points, including a rationale for their selection, and the associated agencies and organizations for each entry point
Technical Appendices can contain further detail, including from the:
8. Biodiversity Policy and Institutional Review (in table format where possible)
Details of the sectoral analysis
Detailed list and analysis of all policies, laws and regulations reviewed
Detailed list of all revenues inventoried
Detailed list and description of each government subsidy reviewed
Complete listing of all economic valuation studies
A summary description of all current finance solutions
Detailed list and description of all stakeholders identified and consulted throughout the PIR
9. Glossary of terms
This section should define all technical terms used in the report.
10. References
This section should include all references cited in the report, ideally with web links.