Ideally a country will have identified its main biodiversity trends in the reports to the CBD, the NBSAP, national “State of the Environment” reports, etc. It is important to note that almost all these reports focus—in some cases entirely—on negative trends. Although this may be a good reflection of national priorities, BIOFIN also seeks to identify positive trends, as they can often lead to great opportunities for formulating finance solutions.
The PIR team should gather the main documents that describe trends in nature and create a master list with descriptions and references to the original documents. Where spatial analysis is available, it can provide an excellent foundation for the later steps in the PIR. The team should review the described list of trends and assess the following:
Attempts should also be made to refine the description of each trend (or create #3 out of #1) so that each trend can be connected to the underlying drivers described in Step 3.3B.