Table Of Contents
Executive Summary
Chapter 1: Introduction to Biodiversity Finance
Chapter Cover
1.1 What is Biodiversity?
1.2 Why Biodiversity Matters
1.2.1 Understanding the value of biodiversity for achieving the SDGs
1.2.2 Global biodiversity trends
1.3 The State of Biodiversity Finance
1.4 Finance Solutions for Biodiversity
1.4.1 Finance solutions
1.4.2 Finance results
1.4.3 Finance instruments
1.4.4 Lead agent or intermediary
1.4.5 Beneficiary or main stakeholders
1.4.6 Finance source
1.5 Public and Private Finance
1.5.1 Understanding public finance solutions: government policies and budgets
1.5.2 Finance solutions involving the private sector
Annex I: Making the Case: Economics and Economic Valuation of Ecosystem Services
Chapter 2: The Biodiversity Finance Initiative
Chapter Cover
2.1 Introduction
2.1.1 Objectives of this chapter
2.1.2 How to use the Workbook
2.2 The Biodiversity Finance Initiative
2.2.1 The BIOFIN approach
2.2.2 The BIOFIN methodology
2.3 Integrating the BIOFIN Methodology into the National Context
2.3.1 Prerequisites for BIOFIN implementation
2.3.2 Modalities of engagement with national stakeholders
2.3.3 Public sector: Promote partnerships between conservation and finance actors
2.3.4 Private sector: innovate and build new alliances
2.3.5 Development partners: finding synergies
2.3.6 Civil society: partner and empower
2.4 The Inception Stage
2.4.1 Conducting a rapid screening of the policy context
2.4.2 Establishing the BIOFIN coordination and management framework
2.4.3 Constituting the national BIOFIN team
2.4.4 Staging the first national consultation on biodiversity finance
2.4.5 Scoping for gender and biodiversity finance
2.4.6 Capture initial baseline findings in an inception report
2.5 Communicating Biodiversity Finance
Chapter 3: The Biodiversity Finance Policy and Institutional Review
Chapter Cover
3.1 Introduction
3.1.1 Objectives
3.1.2 What are Policy and Institutional Reviews?
3.2 PIR Steps
Step 3.1: Preparations
Step 3.2: Review national biodiversity strategies, sustainable development strategies, and economic linkages between them
Step 3.2A: National Biodiversity Plans and other biodiversity policy documents
Step 3.2B: Review the role of biodiversity within sustainable development planning
Step 3.2C: Collect existing evidence of the economic value of nature and its contribution to sustainable development
Step 3.3: Identify important trends and drivers for biodiversity change
Step 3.3A: Identify the main positive and negative trends in biodiversity
Step 3.3B: Underlying drivers and levers of change
Step 3.4: Review the current state of biodiversity finance
Step 3.4A: Mapping existing finance instruments and related legislation
Step 3.4B: Reviewing the national budgeting process
Step 3.4C: Analysing biodiversity-related revenues
Step 3.4D: Supportive and harmful subsidies
Step 3.5: Analyse main institutions
Step 3.5A: Identify the main institutions and organizations
Step 3.5B: Analyse each main institution to produce a score on interest and influence scale
Step 3.5C: Review priority institutions and develop the stakeholder engagement plan
Step 3.6: Summary and recommendations
Chapter 4: The Biodiversity Expenditure Review
Chapter Cover
4.1 Introduction
4.1.1 Objectives
4.1.2 Main concepts
4.1.3 The Biodiversity Expenditure Review process
4.1.4 Links to other chapters
4.2 BER Implementation Step
Step 4.1: Preparations
Step 4.2: Defining the main parameters of the Biodiversity Expenditure Review
Step 4.2A: Definition of biodiversity expenditures
Step 4.2B: Classification of expenditures
Step 4.2C: Attribution of biodiversity expenditures
Step 4.3: Data Collection
Step 4.4: Data analysis
Step 4.4A: National macroeconomic context
Step 4.4B: Biodiversity spending in the national context
Step 4.4C: Public revenue sources from biodiversity and ecosystem services
Step 4.4D: Relationships among budgets, allocation and expenditures
Step 4.5: Project future expenditures
4.3 Reporting and Outreach
Annex I: Examples of BER Results from Namibia and Philippines
Annex II: The BIOFIN Expenditures Categories
Annex III: Example of Attribution Rates Adopted by BIOFIN Countries
Chapter 5: Biodiversity Financial Needs Assessment
Chapter Cover
5.1 Introduction
5.1.1 Objectives
5.1.2 The FNA process
5.1.3 Links to other chapters
5.2 Methods for the Financial Needs Assessment
5.2.1 Terminology and principles
5.2.2 Approaches to costing
5.3 FNA Implementation Steps
Step 5.1: Preparations
Step 5.2: Scope and clarify the biodiversity targets, and ctions including the NBSAP
Step 5.2A: Review and refine the scope
Step 5.2B: Use a logical framework to structure and clarify actions and results
Step 5.2C: Prioritize initial pre-costing
Step 5.3: Desktop study and initial costing tables
Step 5.3A: Identify budget units and standard costs
Step 5.3B: Build cost tables
Step 5.4: Refine cost models with expert input
Step 5.5: Analyse costing results
Step 5.6: Estimate unmet biodiversity finance needs
5.4 Conclusions and Recommendations
Annex I: Examples of FNA Results
Chapter 6: The Biodiversity Finance Plan
Chapter Cover
6.1 Introduction
6.1.1 Objectives
6.1.2 Finance solutions and plans
6.1.3 Private investment in biodiversity
6.2 Steps for the Biodiversity Finance Plan
Step 6.1: Preparations
Step 6.2: Gather baseline information and establish the context
Step 6.3: Create comprehensive list of potential finance solutions
Step 6.4: Screen and prioritize the finance solutions
Step 6.4A: Rapid screening
Step 6.4B: Detailed screening
Step 6.5: Develop technical proposals for priority solutions
Step 6.6: Formulate a case for investment
Step 6.7: Write and validate the Biodiversity Finance Plan
Chapter 7: Implementation
Chapter Cover
7.1 Sustainability of the BIOFIN Process
7.1.1 Normative framework
7.1.2 Organizational framework
7.1.3 Behaviour and perceptions
7.2 Implementing the Finance Plan and Finance Solutions
7.2.1 Planning and managing finance solutions
7.2.2 Applying safeguards
7.2.3 M&E frameworks for individual finance solutions
Annex I: Further Guidance On Finance Solutions
Appendix I: The Aichi Biodiversity Targets
Appendix II: The Economic Appraisal
Appendix III: Sector and Organization List
Photo Gallery
Graphics and Illustrations
Executive Summary
Chapter 1: Introduction to Biodiversity Finance
Chapter 2: The Biodiversity Finance Initiative
Chapter 3: The Biodiversity Finance Policy and Institutional Review
Chapter 4: The Biodiversity Expenditure Review
Chapter 5: Biodiversity Financial Needs Assessment
Chapter 6: The Biodiversity Finance Plan
Chapter 7: Implementation
Executive Summary
Chapter 4
The Biodiversity Expenditure Review
4.1 Introduction
4.1.1 Objectives
4.1.2 Main concepts
4.1.3 The Biodiversity Expenditure Review process
4.1.4 Links to other chapters
4.2 BER Implementation Step
Step 4.1: Preparations
Step 4.2: Defining the main parameters of the Biodiversity Expenditure Review
Step 4.2A: Definition of biodiversity expenditures
Step 4.2B: Classification of expenditures
Step 4.2C: Attribution of biodiversity expenditures
Step 4.3: Data Collection
Step 4.4: Data analysis
Step 4.4A: National macroeconomic context
Step 4.4B: Biodiversity spending in the national context
Step 4.4C: Public revenue sources from biodiversity and ecosystem services
Step 4.4D: Relationships among budgets, allocation and expenditures
Step 4.5: Project future expenditures
4.3 Reporting and Outreach
Annex I: Examples of BER Results from Namibia and Philippines
Annex II: The BIOFIN Expenditures Categories
Annex III: Example of Attribution Rates Adopted by BIOFIN Countries
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