In this step, the collected data are used to analyse several aspects of biodiversity management and finance in four substeps:
- Step 4A: National macroeconomic context
- Step 4B: Biodiversity spending in the national context. This section contains the main results including who spends how much on what. It also looks at what percentage of budgets and expenditures is directed at biodiversity
- Step 4C: Identify relationship between budgets, allocation and expenditures.
- Step 4D: Identify other trends in expenditure.
The outcome of this section should include:
- Estimate of the total biodiversity expenditures for the country – public, donors, NGOs and other civil society players, and partial estimate of private company or individual spending.
- Total biodiversity public expenditures as a percentage of GDP and as a percentage of the total government budget.
- Total spending by key natural resource-based ministries as compared to total national government budget (ministries and agencies responsible for the environment, agriculture, fisheries, forestry, tourism, water, energy, tourism).
- Comparisons among natural resource-based ministries in spending levels.
- Comparison between natural resource-based ministries and others – education, health, infrastructure, etc.
- Biodiversity spending results broken down in combinations of the following:
- Primary versus secondary spending
- Spending per ministry, agency, organization
- Capital and recurrent spending per agency and total
- Tagged by SDGs, Aichi Targets/NBSAP targets, and BIOFIN categories
- Sources of financing including public, private, and official development assistance.
- Comparison of spending in different themes with revenues.
- Comparison of budget, allocation, and spending levels in the environmental ministry and key agencies.
- Analysis of temporal trends.