The Philippines developed a detailed PBSAP costing using an iterative process involving the main stakeholders, key experts and government officials. Figure 5.5 shows estimated costs (US$) for each year from 2015 to 2028, categorized into the main PBSAP themes. Initial costs were high due to investments associated with protected areas (PA) management efforts to relocate occupants of PAs to areas of lower biodiversity value.
Figure 5.5: Timeline of Costs for Implementing the PBSAP, 2015-2018 - The Philippines
Ecuador costed the eight priority results in Ecuador’s NBSAP, for a basic and optimal scenario
The basic scenario is the minimum level of funding required to operate key conservation programmes and meet basic requirements to sustain functions of ecosystems in protected areas. The optimal scenario describes the ideal state if all necessary funding, personnel, equipment, and other resources were available. This would ensure achievement of shortmedium-long-term goals for protected areas, in accordance with the highest environmental, social, and economic standards.15 The financial gap is equal to the difference between the financial needs and the existing available funding. The results for the basic and optimal scenarios are shown in Figure 5.6. For the optimal scenario, the data suggest Result 2 is already funded. Deficits are estimated for the other seven results.
Figure 5.6: Biodiversity Finance Gap Disaggregated by Result in a Basic Scenario - Ecuador
Figure 5.7: Biodiversity Finance Gap Disaggregated by Result in an Optimal Scenario - Ecuador